Real estate industry is always blamed for its heavy polluting nature. It's true that construction and demolition works cause a major percentage of pollution in any city which often become too severe to create fog and reduce visibility. It also causes several types of lung, skin and eye issue to children and aged people. As per building demolition contractors in Sydney mostly the unauthorised demolishers dump the debris in any vacate land which extremely damage the fertility of the soil and nearby water bodies.
So, what is the solution to prevent demolition triggered pollution?
Well, demolition works can't be banned as they are highly necessary to knock down unsafe buildings and create new building on the same land. Often demolition works are important to create road, railways or for other reasons as well.
So, the measure we can take to tame the pollution is segregating the debris as per their nature, reuse them as much as possible and recycle the remainders. Though it's true that the process isn't as simple as it sounds. A demolition project leaves tons of debris piled on the site and you don't get months of time to separate them.
The measure that experienced 坂出市 解体 contractors in Sydney use is to separate as much as material possible before starting the pull down work. It of course increase the overall project time by slowing down the process, but the ultimate result is more cleaner and eco-friendly.
Whether it is the wooden frames of the doors and windows, furniture, or the metal shades of the garage, you can remove them from the main structure and sell to the recyclers. Every building consists of a huge amount of fibre and PVC materials in the sanitary system, drainage system, bathroom fittings and so on. If you can remove them from the building, you can avoid a good amount of pollution easily.
Now, the last point is what about the concrete debris. Yes, as per building demolition contractors in Sydney, it's the most hardy and rough material which don't get deformed even after years. While it sounds as an issue, you can use them for filling vacant low lands to level the area for a new construction. It can be a very good alternative to stone, soil and sand filling system as it's highly cost efficient and reliable. So, every demolition company needs to be more careful regarding this to save the environment from demolition related pollution.