A custom pet portrait can definitely hold a special place in the heart of the person who receives it. It comes as a loving from a friend or relative that will create memories which can certainly last a lifetime. The gift can be either of a current pet or of one which has passed away.…
All posts in Pets
Dog Training In The Comfort Of Your Own Home
In this day and age where everything is getting more and more expensive; it is very popular to a lot of men and women to provide dog training in the comfort of their own home. In the old days, we would often rely on the professionals to handle this job. We would take our pets…
Dog Grooming-What More Tips You Need To Know As A Dog Owner
Dog grooming involves more than just regular bathing and brushing. It also involves regular ear and eye check up, nail cut, coat maintenance and others. Know some helpful tips on how you can groom your pet properly. For cutting the coat particularly for short haired breeds it is best to use a clipper that has…
Can Cats Eat Fruit? Information to Know Before Giving Fruit to Your Cat
Can cats eat fruit? The quick answer is yes. There are fruits that are known to be toxic to cats. Even grapes that are considered toxic to dogs are actually safe for feline consumption. Still, the Animal Poison Control Center or ASPCAA advises against giving grapes or raisins to cats. It is better to be…
Pet Care Essential Tips For Ensuring Your Pet’s Wellness
As a pet owner, it is material to squeeze the responsibleness of caring for your pet in the best way possible. The overall well-being of your pet for the most part depends on the care they receive at home. Proper pet care goes beyond feeding and training; it entails a vast straddle of duties, all…