If you are an online trafficker and are using Paypal, you must have had a amoun of problems with fastened accounts. I am a vender and I have had many other Peter Sellers tell me that Paypal 39;s dealing processing policies subscribe buyers who lie about the whole work on. Apparently, it just takes one complaint from the purchaser to lock your report if you are the marketer.
I freshly sold a surfboard on eBay. I confirmed all the details about the purchaser including his adjoin selective information and natural science address. I got the money transferred to my describe and at once send it through USPS mail. After 2 days, I got verification that that production was received by the purchaser and they gave the name aright. However, the buyer lied to Paypal that he never accepted the production and filed a against me.
I only got to know about this after 2 days when I establish my describe was secured. At first I didn 39;t know why I establish a locked describe and upon asking, they told me about the emptor 39;s complaint stating that I did not send the production after payment. Upon receiving the e-mail, they immediately barred up my monetary resource and I am to get my money back.
My big problem with the whole affair is that they didn 39;t even trouble oneself to check with me regarding the state of affairs. They did not want to hear both sides of the report. I don 39;t know how they put on that the vendee is always right. Is the trafficker inherently evil and fraudulent? I have sold hundreds of products through Paypal and I have never quot;not sent quot; an item after I got paid. Even then, they wouldn 39;t listen in to me.
What 39;s more, I had about 7000 in the Paypal describe and now all of it is fastened. It is as good as losing the money and not to forget the hundreds of hours that I have gone with them on the call up. All in all, this is the most frustrative affair that I have knowledgeable in my life, and jasa pembayaran paypal is responsible for for all of it.
I seriously do not like the way they do dealing processing and I am looking for a Paypal choice. Please help me in any way you can. If you know a good defrayal processing service, please post it here, so I can it out and get rid of PayPal.