Dariush Salehpour ,is an Iranian composer, pianist, keyboardist, guitarist, and arranger. He is the creator and leader of the electronic jazz band “Zarbofoot” (which means “beat and blow” in Persian).
Salehpour is a graduate in computer software from Azad University. He spontaneously started playing the keyboard and the piano when he was only six years old. His talent was discovered by Arman Nahrvar in 1995, during a little performance at the Faculty of Economics in Allameh Tabatabai University, which marked his career. Next year Mohsen learned how to play the guitar and then he took up the electric guitar. In 1999 Salehpour and two friends of his, namely Sohrab Ramezanzadeh and Kaveh Ramezanzadeh, formed a rock band named “Piccolo” who, accompanied by Sara Naini, made performances in Tehran. It was about that time that Salehpour made friends with Reza Tajbakhsh and Alireza Miraqa. In 2001 the first piece arranged by Salehpour for Ruzbeh Nematollahi named “If You Were Not” was formally released.
Since then he has been seriously busy arranging and composing, producing many works in pop, electronic, and rock genres.
Dariush Salehpour has also worked as a guitarist and electronic artist with Shahram Shokoohi’s orchestra. He had also a close relationship with Nima Varasteh as a partner.
Salehpour has a mixing and mastering (sound techniques) degree from the Australian company of “Vivid Sounds”.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dariush Salehpour and Reza Tajbakhsh (Iranian singer), replayed and performed the musical piece “Way To Fall” along with James Walsh, the singer of the English Post-Britpop rock band, Starsailor, which attracted the attention of the band’s fans.
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dariush_Salehpour
Website: https://dariushsalehpour.com